Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tsunami esok - acah jer

Ape kate singapore??

Professor Kerry Sieh, director, Earth Observatory of Singapore, said: "In the last 110 years or so, there have been about 85 really big earthquakes — 8 (on the Richter magnitude scale) or greater. And only two of those occurred on the same day as an eclipse. And even those were a partial eclipse, not a total eclipse. They happened in a different place from where the eclipse happened."

Apa kata malaysia??

Penyebaran Artikel Jangkaan Berlaku Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami Pada 22 Julai 2009Satu artikel mengenai jangkaan akan berlaku gempa bumi dan tsunami pada 22 Julai 2009 telah tersebar luas di dalam laman web. Gempa bumi ini telah dikaitkan dengan kejadian gerhana matahari yang akan berlaku pada tarikh tersebut.Berdasarkan rekod kejadian gempa bumi terdahulu, didapati tiada hubung kait kejadian gempa bumi dan gerhana matahari. Sebagai contoh, semasa kejadian gerhana matahari pada 1hb. Ogos 2008, tiada gempa bumi yang direkodkan berlaku. Oleh itu, kesahihan andaian penulis artikel tersebut adalah diragui.Orang awam dinasihatkan mendapatkan maklumat kejadian gempa bumi dan tsunami melalui Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia yang memantau sepanjang masa.Jabatan Meteorologi MalaysiaKementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi5.30 petang08 April 2009

Ape kate ahli sains

The tidal forces are also stronger when the sun and moon are inline. The thought is that the liquid hot magma beneath the tectonic plates must also follow a similar principle. The earth rotates beneath the moon faster than the moon orbits the earth. So in theory a few hours before / after the eclipse you could have some shifting in the tidal magma beneath the tectonic plate. The whole day of 22 July 2009 will be interesting. The earth will rotate in the summer so that the northern hemisphere is facing the sun. The moon will cross over 3 distinct tectonic plates known for earth quakes on that day. It’s perfectly possible there will be some pretty heavy earthquakes in those regions on 22 July 2009.


Apa kata pemerhati??

Ade berani mahu tgk list gempa bumi terbaru..sila picit di sini

Apa Kisah saintis italy yang meramal gempa bumi tapi bebudak tak amek pot..sila gegar link di sini


Apa pasal lak ngan Smith Thammasaroj punyer cerita..kasik layan


APa kata aku??

Kepada penduduk lambir, miri, sibu..sila hati-hati..sila bercamping di atas bukit sebagai tanda setiakawan..sekain..


amin said...

kie tungguuuu... take care

Anonymous said...

Dunia dah akhir zaman.. gitulah..

Galuh Cendra Kirana said...

uwaaaaaaaaaaaa~ nissss... kiter dah xleh mandi laottttt